Teens learn foundational business concepts, earn college credits, and make international friends in this youth entrepreneurship program. Over four weeks, teens virtually connect with high schoolers abroad, exploring business principles like management, finance, and marketing. The course concludes with intercultural groups working together to design and pitch presentations that highlight global issues and entrepreneurial ways to address them.
Over four weeks, students will connect virtually with high schoolers from IES Cotes Baixes in Spain and Kotu Senior Secondary School in the Gambia in Africa exploring foundational business concepts like management and finance before designing and pitching business ideas to address global issues of importance to them: gun violence, racism, world hunger, and poverty. Last year, these business ideas included a music concert that would donate profits to organizations addressing gun violence, cultural parties that would spread cross-cultural awareness and acceptance, writer workshops that would help fund charities combating world hunger, and classes that would remove barriers to financial literacy.
Dates: July 15 – August 7, 2025 (T/Th)
Time: 10 am-12 pm CST | 3 pm – 5 pm GMT
Cost: $120 | Scholarships Available
We provide need-based scholarships, awarding amounts based on household income and special financial circumstances. Call 608-298-6949 for more information and to request a scholarship application.
Social Issue: Corruption, Racism, Religious Discrimination, Poverty
During our fourth international virtual exchange, CEOs of Tomorrow partnered with Kotu Senior Secondary School in The Gambia and Bright Start Africa, Sierra Leone. Kotu Senior Secondary School selected 4 teens, and Bright Start Africa Sierra Leone selected 3 of their teens, to enroll in the International Academy along with 6 participating U.S. students. This unique opportunity allowed participants to strengthen their intercultural competence while building global business strategies for social good and networks with their cross-cultural peers over four weeks. They designed and pitched business ideas to address global issues of importance to them: corruption, racism, religious discrimination, and poverty.
Social Issue: Racism, Healthcare Access, Poverty
During our third international virtual exchange, CEOs of Tomorrow broadened its partnership with Kotu Senior Secondary School, an institution educating youth in The Gambia, a country located in West Africa. Kotu Senior Secondary School identified four of their teens to enroll in the Academy along with seven participating U.S. students. This unique opportunity allowed participants to strengthen their intercultural competence while building global business strategies for social good and networks with their cross-cultural peers. Over four weeks, students connected virtually, exploring foundational business concepts like management and finance before designing and pitching business ideas to address global issues of importance to them: racism, healthcare access, and poverty.
Social Issue: Gun Violence, Racism, World Hunger, Poverty
During our second international virtual exchange, the team at Stepping Stone International — a nonprofit serving vulnerable youth in Botswana — selected nine of their teens to enroll in the Academy along with participating U.S. students. Over four weeks, students connected virtually, exploring foundational business concepts like management and finance before designing and pitching business ideas to address global issues of importance to them: gun violence, racism, world hunger, and poverty. These business ideas included a music concert that would donate profits to organizations addressing gun violence, cultural parties that would spread cross-cultural awareness and acceptance, writer workshops that would help fund charities combating world hunger, and classes that would remove barriers to financial literacy.
Social Issue: Lack of Education, Healthcare Disparities, Global Warming
In 2020, we launched our first-ever international virtual exchange, fostering cross-cultural, entrepreneurial collaboration between CEOs of Tomorrow teens and students from the Middle East International School in Doha, Qatar. Together, students selected three global issues of importance to them — access to healthcare, lack of education, and global warming. They collaborated to conduct research, present their findings, and detail action steps they could take to address these issues. Action steps included creating a fundraising campaign for Doctors Without Borders, making door-to-door visits in remote or impoverished areas to provide educational resources, and creating and circulating online posters highlighting the effects of global warming.
Give a tax-deductible full or partial scholarship to allow a deserving teen to participate in one of our These Teens Mean Busine$$ programs.
We can offer customized These Teens Mean Busine$$ programming to community organizations and schools looking to launch youth-run businesses within their facilities. Get in touch to learn more.